Bubble Craps – Power Pressing Craps Strategy

The Strategy Power Pressing in Craps is a progressive betting strategy that aims to maximize profits during a winning streak. This strategy is used aggresively by YouTuber Greg Uloho. His YouTube channel has hundreds of videos of the strategy in use and he has become quite popular amongst Bubble Craps players.

The Video:

The Basics:

This craps strategy is designed to maximize potential winnings quickly by continuously reinvesting all winnings back into the game. It begins with small initial bets on the Seven and Horn, and once a point is established, it involves placing bets on various numbers and hardways. After each winning roll, the strategy requires pressing the bet on the last rolled number and evenly spreading the remaining winnings across other numbers and hardways. While this method is highly aggressive and carries significant risk due to the constant reinvestment of all money in play, it can lead to rapid and substantial payouts if the rolls are favorable. The high-risk nature of this strategy makes it suitable for players who are comfortable with the possibility of losing their entire stake in exchange for the chance of achieving large gains quickly.

  • Step-by-Step Guide
  • Example Rolls
  • Grade
Step 1: Initial Bets and Come Out Roll
  • Place Initial Bets:
    • Place a $4 Horn bet and a $1 Seven bet in the One Roll Bets section on the bubble craps screen.
  • Roll the Dice:
    • Press the button to start your come out roll.
    • Outcomes:
      • If a point (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) is established, proceed to Step 2.
      • If a 7 is rolled, you win the Seven bet. Place the same initial bets and roll again.
      • If 2, 3, 11, or 12 is rolled, you win the Horn bet. Place the same initial bets and roll again.
Step 2: Placing Bets After Point is Established
  • Place Bets on Numbers and Hardways:
    • Once the point is established, place bets as follows:
      • “Buy” bet on 4, 5, 9, and 10.
      • “Place” bet on 6 and 8.
      • Place initial bets on all hardways.
Step 3: Rolling and Adjusting Bets
  • Roll the Dice:
    • Press the button to roll the dice.
  • Adjust Bets After Winning:
    • If a winning number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) is rolled:
      • Take all the winnings and press the bet on the last number rolled.
      • Spread the remaining winnings evenly across the other numbers (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) and the hardways.
Step 5: Keep Rolling & Pressing Until
  • Cash Out Goal is Reached:
    • Have a goal in mind. Once the goal is reached, cash out and go to Step 1, if desired.
  • 7 Out
    • All bets are lost. Go back to Step 1, if desired.
  • Adjust Hardway Bets:
    • When a winning number (4, 6, 8, 10) reaches $25 in bets, place at least $5 on the related hardway.
    • When a winning number reaches $100 in bets, increase the related hardway bet to $25.
    • Example:
      • If the 8 has a bet of $25, place $5 on Hard 8.
      • If the 8 reaches $100, increase Hard 8 to $25.
  • See a Horn, Bet a Horn:
    • If a horn rolls while the point is established, bet on the horn. If the horn hits again, don’t be afraid to press it.
  • Banked Money:
    • In this strategy, we bet all money in the machine before the roll. While risky, it maximizes profits and we will reach our goal sooner.

Example 1

Initial Bets and Come Out Roll

Initial Bets:

  • $4 Horn bet
  • $1 Seven bet
  • Total Initial Bets: $5
Roll 1: Come Out Roll
  • Roll: 8 (Point is established)
  • Losses: $5
  • Remaining: $195
Placing Bets After Point is Established

Place Bets on Numbers and Hardways:

  • “Buy” bet on 4, 5, 9, and 10: $25 each
  • “Place” bet on 6 and 8: $30 each
  • Initial bets on all hardways: $2 each
  • Total Bets:
    • Total on numbers: $160
    • Total on hardways: $8
    • Remaining: $27


  • Additional bets to bring total in play to $195:
    • $25 on 4, 5, 9, 10
    • $30 on 6 and 8
    • $2 on each hardway
    • Remaining $27 split evenly across the numbers (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10)

Total Bets (Adjusted):

  • 4: $29
  • 5: $29
  • 6: $35
  • 8: $35
  • 9: $29
  • 10: $29
  • Hardways: $2 each
  • Total in play: $195

Roll Sequence and Adjustments

Roll 2: 6 (hard)
  • Win: $70 (Place Bet pays $35, Hardway pays $35)
  • Total Win: $70
  • Adjust Bets: Increase 6 to $105, spread remaining winnings across other numbers and hardways
  • Net Win: $70
  • Bank: $0

Current Bets in Play:

  • 4: $30
  • 5: $30
  • 6: $105
  • 8: $36
  • 9: $30
  • 10: $30
  • Hardways: $2 each
  • Total in play: $263
Roll 3: 11 (Horn)
  • Win: $0
  • Loss: $4 Horn Bet
  • Adjust Bets: Take $4 from 5 to place a new Horn bet
  • Net Win: $70
  • Bank: $0

Current Bets in Play:

  • 4: $30
  • 5: $26
  • 6: $105
  • 8: $36
  • 9: $30
  • 10: $30
  • Hardways: $2 each
  • Horn Bet: $4
  • Total in play: $263
Roll 4: 5
  • Win: $37 (Buy Bet pays $37)
  • Total Win: $37
  • Adjust Bets: Increase 5 to $63, spread remaining winnings across other numbers and hardways
  • Net Win: $107
  • Bank: $0

Current Bets in Play:

  • 4: $32
  • 5: $63
  • 6: $107
  • 8: $38
  • 9: $32
  • 10: $32
  • Hardways: $3 each
  • Horn Bet: $4
  • Total in play: $341
Roll 5: 9
  • Win: $37 (Buy Bet pays $37)
  • Total Win: $37
  • Adjust Bets: Increase 9 to $69, spread remaining winnings across other numbers and hardways
  • Net Win: $144
  • Bank: $0

Current Bets in Play:

  • 4: $34
  • 5: $65
  • 6: $109
  • 8: $40
  • 9: $69
  • 10: $34
  • Hardways: $3 each
  • Horn Bet: $4
  • Total in play: $388
Roll 6: 8
  • Win: $70 (Place Bet pays $70)
  • Total Win: $70
  • Adjust Bets: Increase 8 to $110, spread remaining winnings across other numbers and hardways
  • Net Win: $214
  • Bank: $0

Current Bets in Play:

  • 4: $36
  • 5: $67
  • 6: $111
  • 8: $110
  • 9: $71
  • 10: $36
  • Hardways: $4 each
  • Horn Bet: $4
  • Total in play: $439
Roll 7: 2 (Horn)
  • Win: $27 (Horn Bet pays $27)
  • Total Win: $27
  • Adjust Bets: Increase Horn Bet to $8, take $4 from 10 and place a new Horn bet
  • Net Win: $241
  • Bank: $0

Current Bets in Play:

  • 4: $38
  • 5: $69
  • 6: $113
  • 8: $112
  • 9: $73
  • 10: $32
  • Hardways: $4 each
  • Horn Bet: $8
  • Total in play: $449
Roll 8: 8
  • Win: $154 (Place Bet pays $35, Hardway pays $119)
  • Total Win: $154
  • Adjust Bets: Increase 8 to $200, spread remaining winnings across other numbers and hardways
  • Net Win: $395
  • Bank: $0

Current Bets in Play:

  • 4: $42
  • 5: $73
  • 6: $117
  • 8: $200
  • 9: $77
  • 10: $36
  • Hardways: $5 each
  • Horn Bet: $8
  • Total in play: $558
Roll 9: 9
  • Win: $105 (Buy Bet pays $105)
  • Total Win: $105
  • Adjust Bets: Increase 9 to $182, spread remaining winnings across other numbers and hardways
  • Net Win: $500
  • Bank: $0

Current Bets in Play:

  • 4: $44
  • 5: $75
  • 6: $119
  • 8: $204
  • 9: $182
  • 10: $38
  • Hardways: $5 each
  • Horn Bet: $8
  • Total in play: $675
Roll 10: 8
  • Win: $238 (Place Bet pays $238)
  • Total Win: $238
  • Adjust Bets: Increase 8 to $400, spread remaining winnings across other numbers and hardways
  • Net Win: $738
  • Bank: $0

Current Bets in Play:

  • 4: $46
  • 5: $77
  • 6: $121
  • 8: $400
  • 9: $184
  • 10: $40
  • Hardways: $5 each
  • Horn Bet: $8
  • Total in play: $881
Roll 11: 5
  • Win: $105 (Buy Bet pays $105)
  • Total Win: $105
  • Adjust Bets: Increase 5 to $182, spread remaining winnings across other numbers and hardways
  • Net Win: $843
  • Bank: $0

Current Bets in Play:

  • 4: $48
  • 5: $182
  • 6: $123
  • 8: $404
  • 9: $186
  • 10: $42
  • Hardways: $5 each
  • Horn Bet: $8
  • Total in play: $998

Summary Table

RollResultWinTotal WinAdjust BetsNet WinBankTotal in Play
26 (hard)$70$70Increase 6 to $105$70$0$263
311$0$0$4 Horn Bet$70$0$263
45$37$37Increase 5 to $63$107$0$341
59$37$37Increase 9 to $69$144$0$388
68$70$70Increase 8 to $110$214$0$439
72 (Horn)$27$27$8 Horn Bet$241$0$449
88$154$154Increase 8 to $200$395$0$558
99$105$105Increase 9 to $182$500$0$675
108$238$238Increase 8 to $400$738$0$881
115$105$105Increase 5 to $182$843$0$998

Example 2

$80 starting amount with goal of $500

Initial Bets and Come Out Roll

Initial Bets:

  • $4 Horn bet
  • $1 Seven bet
  • Total Initial Bets: $5

Roll 1: Come Out Roll

  • Roll: 9 (Point is established)
  • Losses: $5
  • Remaining: $75
Placing Bets After Point is Established

Place Bets on Numbers and Hardways:

  • “Buy” bet on 4 and 10: $15 each
  • “Place” bet on 5, 6, and 8: $10 each
  • Initial bets on all hardways: $1 each

Total Bets:

  • Total on numbers: $60
  • Total on hardways: $4
  • Remaining: $11


  • Additional bets to bring total in play to $75: Split remaining $11 across the numbers (4, 5, 6, 8, 10)
Rolling and Adjusting Bets

Total Bets (Adjusted):

  • 4: $17
  • 5: $12
  • 6: $12
  • 8: $12
  • 10: $17
  • Hardways: $1 each
  • Total in play: $75
Roll Sequence and Adjustments

Roll 2: 6 (soft)

  • Win: $14
  • Total Win: $14
  • Adjust Bets: Increase 6 to $26, spread remaining winnings across other numbers and hardways
  • Net Win: $14

Roll 3: 5

  • Win: $14
  • Total Win: $14
  • Adjust Bets: Increase 5 to $26, spread remaining winnings across other numbers and hardways
  • Net Win: $28

Roll 4: 10 (soft)

  • Win: $27
  • Total Win: $27
  • Adjust Bets: Increase 10 to $44, spread remaining winnings across other numbers and hardways
  • Net Win: $55

Roll 5: 7-Out

  • Losses: $75
  • Net Win: $0
Net Result
  • Total Winnings: $55
  • Total Losses: $75 (initial bets and winnings reinvested)
  • Net Win: $0
RollResultWinTotal WinAdjust BetsNet Win
19 (Point)$0
26 (soft)$14$14Increase 6 to $26, spread remaining$14
35$14$14Increase 5 to $26, spread remaining$28
410 (soft)$27$27Increase 10 to $44, spread remaining$55
57-OutLoss of all bets$0

Overall Grade: B- (82%)

Summary: The Power Pressing strategy is a high-risk, high-reward approach that significantly increases the potential for large wins by aggressively increasing bets after each win. This strategy requires a keen understanding of the game and a tolerance for variance, making it more suitable for experienced players.

Grading Breakdown:

Coverage of NumbersB85%The strategy does not focus on broad coverage but on maximizing gains from winning numbers.
Ease of UseB80%Requires practice and experience to execute effectively due to its aggressive nature.
Frequency of WinsC75%Wins are less frequent, but each win can be substantial.
Potential for Big WinsA+100%Excellent potential for large payouts during hot rolls.
Risk ManagementD65%Very high risk due to aggressive betting; highly susceptible to significant losses.
Bankroll ManagementB85%Requires disciplined bankroll management to handle the high variance.

Power Pressing Strategy Analysis

  • Coverage of Numbers (B, 85%): The strategy does not aim to cover a wide range of numbers but focuses on maximizing bets on successful outcomes.
  • Ease of Use (B, 80%): While not overly complex, the strategy demands a good understanding of betting mechanics and the discipline to manage aggressive presses.
  • Frequency of Wins (C, 75%): Wins are less frequent due to the high-risk approach, but the payout on wins can be substantial.
  • Potential for Big Wins (A+, 100%): The main appeal of this strategy is its ability to generate large wins during favorable rolls.
  • Risk Management (D, 65%): High variance and aggressive betting increase the risk of significant losses, requiring careful risk management.
  • Bankroll Management (B, 85%): Effective bankroll management is crucial due to the high-risk, high-reward nature of the strategy. Players must be prepared for the volatility and potential for rapid losses.

Final Grade: B- (82%)

The Power Pressing strategy is highly effective for those looking to maximize their wins during hot rolls but requires experienced play and careful bankroll management due to its inherent risks and high variance.


The Power Pressing strategy is an aggressive betting method aimed at maximizing wins by increasing bets after each successful roll. This approach offers substantial potential for big wins, especially during hot rolls, making it particularly attractive for seasoned players who understand the nuances of craps. However, this strategy comes with significant risks due to its high variance and susceptibility to rapid losses, necessitating careful bankroll and risk management.

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